SigmaSense for Batteries

Introducing SigmaEIS™ for In-Line Battery Measurement

Break free from lab-based methods with our miniaturized real-time in-line EIS, which generates continuous field insights into battery performance and health.

SigmaEIS SDC075

Advanced in-line sensing moves complex impedance measurements from the lab into the battery where real time AI insights significantly improve battery performance, safety, and health.

Improve AI Results with Accurate & Precise Battery “State of Health” Measurements


Measure changing battery health with simple, scalable metrics


Use test data to anticipate future battery performance


Extend battery life with data-driven binning, balancing, and SOH algorithms


From Lab to Field: Scaling EIS Technology with Semiconductor Chips for Battery Systems

SigmaSense has pioneered a breakthrough in sensing technology with “Direct-to-Digital” complex impedance measurement, enabling field-ready silicon implementations of EIS for impactful in-situ data collection on battery performance and behavior. Widely applied for characterizing Li-ion batteries, EIS offers invaluable insights into […]

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Unlock the Value of AI with Continuous, High Precision EIS Measurements

  • Anode health (e.g., plating, dendrites)
  • Battery resistance (e.g., aging, health)
  • Electrolyte concentration (e.g., drying, venting)
  • Membrane health (e.g., shorts)

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